Ruby and Sapphire

Type of Enhancement/ Treatment

No indication of thermal treatment : There are no gemological limitations (such as the absence of changed inclusions) that would suggest the use of a heat enhancement procedure.

H : Indication of thermal enhancement

Filling of Fissures of Emeralds

None : No oil or polymer

Insignificant : Insignificant of oil or polymer

Minor : Contain minor amount of oil or polymer

Minor to Moderate : Transitional grade between Minor and Moderate Moderate : Contain moderate amount of oil or polymer

Moderate : Contain moderate amount of oil or polymer

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the Issuer renders testing service and to whom the Report is issued, and such rights and liabilities are not transferable to any other party, regardless of who currently and/ or subsequently owns the tested article which forms the subject of this Report.

The Issuer shall have no obligation to respond to any party other than the client as stated for any enquiries related to this Report.